Emma has learned a new word. And she's not just saying it casually, she's saying it with ATTITUDE! The word? No. Somehow, my sweet little Emma girl, has turned into an aggressive 19 month old that is enjoying the use of that word.
In addition to saying "no", she's starting hitting. She understands "nice touches" because when you say that to her, she models that behavior. It's when you do something she doesn't like, or take something away from her, that you experience the opposite.
My (our) job? To stop these behaviors. Now. Before they get too out of hand. But it's difficult, because she's only 19 months. She's not really at an age where she can understand a time-out (or know that she has to sit there for a minute), and while we're not opposed to spanking when necessary, we are opposed to it with a 19 month old. She's too young.
This is definitely uncharted territory for the Garland home. Ava was certainly never like this. At least not at this young of age. I guess it's just another reminder that each child is unique, has their own personality and responds to frustration differently. I think we have some challenging moments coming ahead - I guess we need to buckle up and get ready for the ride!
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