Emma is now 6 months old. Can you believe it? I can't.
Here are her most recent stats:
Weight = 15.7 lbs. (50th percentile)
Height = 26.75 in. (90th percentile - Ava is also tall for her age - they don't get that from me!)
Head = 16.25 in. (25th percentile)
She is doing great in all developmental areas so far! She likes her food more now, especially her pears, and is rolling all over the place to reach her toys. I'm thinking that it won't be too long before she'll be completely mobile, although having to roll to her destinations isn't exactly slowing her down!
Her doctor wanted us to try to reintroduce some milk-based formula, but within 24 hours we were already noticing a difference in her personality so we stopped. She will just stay on the lacto-free for now...we're not in any rush to change that.
She started swim lessons on Monday, she cries less than Ava did - go figure! Here is a video clip from the lesson. Enjoy!!!