I've always grown up learning and reading about God's unconditional love for his children. When Ava was born - I began to see this in a whole new light- it became real to me - really real. For the first time in my life, it wasn't just words I was reading or hearing it was something I was now experiencing. Now with Emma, it becomes crystal clear all over again.
The most recent addition to our family entered the world last Monday. Emma Lynn was born at 12:57 p.m. She is completely healthy, weighing in at 6 lbs. 8 oz. (even though Michael will tell you she is 6 lbs. 7.7 oz!) and 20" long. She is perfect and beautiful.
We are so completely excited to welcome her to our family. Ava is doing well adjusting to being the big sister in the house, learning how to be gentle...and helpful. In addition, Michael and I are doing well adjusting to being the parents of a toddler and a newborn (or at least we think we are!).
P.S. Thank you, Carrie Fay, for capturing Emma's first moments on camera! The pictures are amazing...